Selasa, 05 Mei 2015

A New Purpose in Life

May 2, 2015
Photo credit:
My trip to Yogyakarta has given me a new purpose in life. The sight of tourists from all over the world filling Malioboro Street and Prambanan Temple made me wondered, "Where do all these people come from?" I suddenly realized the richness of languages that was around me. Like, how the hell a pedicab driver can speak fluent Russian to Russian tourists? How come a middle schooler chats happily with a French lady? Seriously.. did these people take a foreign language course or something?! My heart felt itchy. No, not literally.. I knew deep down I felt jealous. 
Photo credit:
..Like, I want to be that part of society.. 

..I want to know someone who is not from Indonesia.. 

..I want to promote my country and learn about other countries.. 

..I want to.. Ding! I WANT TO STUDY ABROAD!!!

May 3, 2015
I discovered an online community contained of Indonesian grantees (person who receives scholarship) that are now studying abroad. They told their struggles, failures, trials and failures again—anything to get a scholarship to study abroad. This is the link:

May 4, 2015
I couldn't hold my tears after reading Angga Dwi Putra's story about taking his parents to see University of Paris (La Sorbonne) in which he studied economics and psychology for his master degree. It was so touching. I want to make my parents proud like that someday :') Also, I changed my PC wallpaper to this :D
May 5, 2015
I found out that there are two programs to achieve master degree: master by coursework and master by research. For now, I plan to take the coursework program by the time I finish my bachelor study. I know my interest is forever in molecular biology. Oddly enough, I fell in love with this subject even before I take the class. This August, my third year will start, and if everything goes well, I am going to take molecular biology technique class.